Stacey has been attending Lakehills Church since 1998 when an appointment with a friend,
someone she hadn't met yet, was orchestrated by God at the Sunday morning service. She has been involved in a variety
of lay ministries but kept coming back to Children before taking her position as Nursery - Third Grade Director.
She has lived in El Dorado Hills for 13 years and has been involved with the local schools and youth sports. She has
been a professional wine judge for 23 years judging for both California State Fair and El Dorado County Fair among others.
In Staceys words: "I love kids and have a passion for helping families discover thier full potential.
I want to see kids and parents build lifelong, strong family bonds and help each other discover who they are in Christ. My
Goal is to have a vibrant Children's Department where kids and parents can't wait to come and don't want to leave."
"It makes my day
to be with and converse with kids. I love the questions kids come up with. For instance: Why did Jesus go through all
that and die for me? Why should I be nice to my brother? How did God write the Bible with no hands?" -
Stacey Gregersen