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Who's Ian?

Ian was born in Lancaster, Ca. - home to nothing spectacular (except cacti). He's a transport from San Diego where he lived for the last 13 years before taking the position at Lakehills Covenant Church. Ian became a follower of Jesus late in his high school years after his family went through a painful divorce and the party scene didn't appear to be the method to fix it.

Ian went on to graduate from San Diego State University with a Bachelors degree in Communication ('00) and then on to Talbot School of Theology ('05) where he received Masters degrees in New Testament Studies and Philosophy of Religion and Ethics - not that you care about any of that...(even though he could have bought a BMW with all the tuition money). Ian is married to Missy and would be a ruined man if he had not met her - she is the wind in his sails, the bacon in his B.L.T., the... you get the point.

Ian is a big fan of contact sports including slow-pitch softball and scrap-booking. You will often find him parked at Starbucks reading a philosophy book or parked in front of the sofa on a Thursday night watching "The Office". Oh, and he also likes to hang out with high-school students and talk about God.